Copyright Policy

At Pacific Group of e-Journals (PaGe), we are committed to ensuring that authors retain ownership of their work while promoting the widest possible dissemination of knowledge. Our copyright policy is in line with the best practices outlined by COPE and ICMJE, as well as the principles of open access publishing.

Copyright Ownership

Authors who publish with PaGe retain full copyright of their work. We operate under the following principles:

  • Author Retention of Rights: Authors hold the copyright to their articles and grant PaGe the right of first publication.
  • Creative Commons License: All articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), which allows others to freely share and adapt the work, as long as appropriate credit is given to the original authors and the first publication is acknowledged.

Authors’ Rights

As the copyright holder, authors have the right to:

  • Distribute their work in institutional repositories, personal websites, or other platforms, as long as they acknowledge its original publication in a PaGe journal.
  • Enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal’s published version of the work (e.g., post it in institutional repositories or publish it in a book), with acknowledgment of its initial publication in the journal.

Licensing Terms

All articles published by PaGe are openly accessible under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), which permits:

  • Unrestricted Use: Others may copy, distribute, display, and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, as long as the original authorship is properly attributed.
  • Adaptations: The work may be adapted, remixed, or built upon, as long as the original authors are credited, and any changes are clearly indicated.
  • Sharing: Others may share the work freely under the same licensing terms.

Submission and Publication Terms

By submitting an article to a PaGe journal, authors agree to the following terms:

  • The article is an original work that has not been published or submitted elsewhere.
  • The article complies with the ethical guidelines, including COPE, ICMJE, and other applicable frameworks.
  • Upon acceptance, authors grant PaGe the right to publish the work and make it freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution License.
  • The author(s) must properly cite and reference the work if they use it in future publications or presentations.

Third-Party Materials

If authors wish to include third-party content (e.g., figures, tables, or images) in their submission, they are responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to include these materials. The appropriate credits must be provided within the article, and permissions should be submitted with the manuscript.

Commitment to Open Access

As an open-access publisher, PaGe is committed to ensuring that knowledge is freely available to everyone, everywhere. The Creative Commons licensing model we use allows for maximum visibility and dissemination, ensuring that authors’ work reaches the widest possible audience.