Open Access Policy

At Pacific Group of e-Journals (PaGe), we are committed to the principles of open access, ensuring that scholarly research is freely accessible to all without any financial, legal, or technical barriers. Our open access policy aligns with international standards, including those set by ICMJE, COPE, and other leading academic organizations, to promote the free exchange of knowledge and maximize the visibility and impact of research.

What is Open Access?

Open access (OA) refers to the free and unrestricted online availability of scholarly research. Unlike traditional subscription-based models, open access allows anyone with an internet connection to read, download, share, and cite research articles without any paywall or subscription fees. This model empowers researchers, students, and professionals worldwide to access and benefit from the latest research without limitations.

Our Commitment to Open Access

PaGe publishes all its journals under an open access model, ensuring that:

  • Free Availability: All research articles are made available to readers immediately upon publication, with no subscription or access fees.
  • Universal Reach: Articles published in PaGe journals can be freely accessed, shared, and distributed by anyone around the world.
  • High Visibility: Open access increases the likelihood of articles being cited and recognized, ensuring that the research has a greater impact on the scientific community.

Licensing Terms

To maintain openness and ensure proper attribution, all articles published in PaGe journals are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). This allows:

  • Unrestricted Use: Others can copy, distribute, display, and perform the work, even for commercial purposes, as long as proper credit is given to the original authors.
  • Adaptations: The work can be remixed, transformed, and built upon, provided that the original authors are credited, and any changes are clearly indicated.
  • Sharing: Articles can be shared freely and without restriction, increasing their reach and impact.

Benefits of Open Access

  1. Wider Dissemination: Research is accessible to a global audience, including researchers, students, policymakers, and the general public.
  2. Increased Citations: Open access articles are more likely to be cited due to their accessibility and broader distribution.
  3. Equity of Access: Open access helps bridge the gap between researchers in well-funded institutions and those in low- and middle-income countries who may not have access to subscription-based journals.
  4. Promotes Collaboration: Freely available research fosters collaboration and the exchange of ideas among scientists and scholars across disciplines and regions.

No Subscription Fees

As an open-access publisher, PaGe does not charge readers for access to journal content. All costs related to the publication process, such as peer review, editing, production, and archiving, are covered through an Article Processing Charge (APC), which is only levied after an article is accepted for publication.