Peer Review Process

At Pacific Group of e-Journals (PaGe), we uphold a rigorous peer review process to ensure the quality, integrity, and scientific rigor of all manuscripts submitted to our journals. The peer review process is fundamental to maintaining academic excellence and fostering trust within the research community.

Double-Blind Peer Review

PaGe follows a double-blind peer review system, where both the authors and reviewers remain anonymous. This approach minimizes bias and promotes an impartial evaluation of the research.

Steps in the Peer Review Process

  1. Initial Manuscript Check
    • Upon submission, each manuscript is assessed by the editorial team to ensure it meets the journal’s basic standards, including formatting, adherence to submission guidelines, and scope relevance. Manuscripts that do not meet these criteria may be returned to the authors for revision or rejected outright.
  2. Assignment to an Editor
    • Once the manuscript passes the initial check, it is assigned to an appropriate subject-area editor who oversees the peer review process.
  3. Reviewer Selection
    • The editor selects two or more expert reviewers from relevant fields to evaluate the manuscript. Reviewers are chosen based on their expertise, academic standing, and prior contributions to the field.
  4. Reviewer Evaluation
    • Reviewers are asked to assess the manuscript on several criteria, including:
      • Scientific validity and originality
      • Methodological rigor
      • Clarity of writing and structure
      • Ethical considerations
      • Relevance and significance to the field
    • Reviewers provide detailed feedback and recommend one of the following actions:
      • Accept without revisions
      • Minor revisions
      • Major revisions
      • Reject
  5. Author Revisions
    • If revisions are requested, the authors are given the opportunity to address the reviewers’ comments. Revised manuscripts must be resubmitted with a point-by-point response to the reviewer feedback.
  6. Final Decision
    • The editor reviews the revised manuscript, considering the authors’ responses to the reviewers’ comments. The editor may make the final decision or, if necessary, seek further input from the reviewers before rendering a verdict. Manuscripts may be accepted, further revised, or rejected at this stage.
  7. Publication
    • Once accepted, the manuscript moves into the production phase, where it is copyedited, formatted, and prepared for publication. Authors receive a final proof for approval before publication.

Reviewer Responsibilities

  • Confidentiality: Reviewers must treat all manuscripts as confidential documents and not share or discuss them with anyone outside the peer review process.
  • Constructive Feedback: Reviewers are expected to provide constructive, clear, and objective feedback to help authors improve their work.
  • Timely Review: Reviewers should complete their evaluations within the specified timeframe to ensure the timely processing of submissions.

Ethical Guidelines

PaGe adheres to the ethical guidelines set forth by COPE, ICMJE, and other academic standards. Reviewers, authors, and editors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest and maintain the highest standards of integrity throughout the review process.

Appeals Process

Authors who wish to appeal a decision may do so by providing a detailed rationale for their appeal. The editorial team will review the appeal and, if deemed appropriate, may invite additional reviewers to reassess the manuscript.

Commitment to Transparency

PaGe is committed to maintaining transparency throughout the peer review process. We ensure that all feedback is communicated clearly to the authors and that editorial decisions are based on scientific merit.