Editorial Policies

At Pacific Group of e-Journals (PaGe), we adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity, transparency, and ethical publishing. Our editorial policies are aligned with the guidelines set by international bodies such as ICMJE, COPE, GPP, and others, ensuring that all submitted work is treated fairly, responsibly, and without bias.

1. Authorship

Authorship should reflect the substantial contributions made by individuals to the research and writing process. The criteria for authorship include:

  • Significant involvement in the study’s conception, design, data collection, or analysis.
  • Drafting or critically revising the manuscript.
  • Approval of the final version before submission.
  • Accountability for all aspects of the research.

Individuals who contributed to the work but do not meet the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged.

2. Originality and Plagiarism

PaGe journals accept only original work that has not been previously published or under consideration by other journals. All submissions undergo plagiarism checks. Authors are expected to cite and acknowledge any work or data that is not their own. Any instances of plagiarism will result in rejection or retraction of the manuscript.

3. Ethical Standards

Authors must adhere to ethical guidelines for research involving human or animal subjects. Manuscripts must include statements of compliance with institutional and national ethical standards, including:

  • Informed Consent: Where applicable, authors must include a statement confirming that informed consent was obtained from all human participants.
  • Animal Welfare: Research involving animals must conform to the institution’s guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals.

PaGe follows the ethical standards established by COPE, ICMJE, and other relevant authorities.

4. Conflict of Interest

Authors, reviewers, and editors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest. This includes financial, personal, or professional relationships that could influence the research or review process. Transparency in the disclosure of conflicts helps maintain the integrity of the publication process.

5. Peer Review Process

All manuscripts submitted to PaGe journals undergo a double-blind peer review, where both authors and reviewers remain anonymous. The peer review process is designed to ensure the quality, validity, and originality of the research. For more information, please refer to our Peer Review Process page.

6. Data Transparency and Availability

Authors are encouraged to provide access to raw data, software code, and other relevant materials that support their research findings. Where applicable, datasets should be deposited in publicly accessible repositories, and a statement regarding data availability should be included in the manuscript.

7. Corrections, Retractions, and Errata

If an error is discovered in a published article, PaGe will take the necessary steps to issue a correction or erratum. In cases where the error or misconduct is serious, a retraction may be issued. Corrections, retractions, and errata are handled in accordance with COPE guidelines and are prominently displayed alongside the article.

8. Submission Guidelines

Authors must adhere to the specific submission guidelines provided by each journal within PaGe’s portfolio. These guidelines cover formatting, references, word limits, and other critical details necessary for a smooth submission and review process. Manuscripts that do not follow these guidelines may be returned to the authors for revision prior to peer review.

9. Appeals and Complaints

Authors who wish to appeal an editorial decision must provide a detailed rationale for their appeal. Appeals will be reviewed by the editorial team, and if necessary, additional reviewers may be invited to re-assess the manuscript. Authors or reviewers who have complaints about the editorial process may contact the editorial office for resolution.

10. Copyright and Licensing

Authors retain the copyright to their work while granting PaGe the right of first publication. All published articles are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), allowing others to freely share and adapt the work, provided appropriate credit is given. For more information, please refer to our Copyright Policy page.

11. Misconduct and Ethical Violations

PaGe takes allegations of misconduct seriously, including plagiarism, data fabrication, falsification, and other breaches of ethical standards. All suspected cases will be investigated according to COPE guidelines, and appropriate actions, such as retraction or reporting to the authors’ institutions, will be taken when necessary.

12. Editorial Independence

The editorial team of each journal operates independently of any external pressures or influences, including those from funding bodies, institutions, or authors. Decisions on manuscripts are made solely based on their academic merit, originality, and relevance to the journal’s scope.

13. Appeals Process

Authors who wish to appeal a decision must submit a detailed appeal letter explaining why they believe the decision should be reconsidered. The editorial team will review the appeal, and in some cases, additional reviewers may be consulted. The final decision on appeals rests with the Editor-in-Chief.

14. Privacy and Confidentiality

PaGe is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of submitted manuscripts and personal information. Manuscripts under review will not be shared with anyone outside the editorial team and assigned reviewers. Reviewers are also expected to maintain confidentiality and not disclose or discuss the content of the manuscripts with others.

15. Advertising and Sponsorship

PaGe does not accept any advertising or sponsorship that may compromise the editorial independence or ethical standards of the journal. Any sponsorship or advertisements, if applicable, are reviewed to ensure they align with PaGe’s commitment to academic integrity and transparency.