Indexing and Archiving

To enhance the visibility and credibility of our journals, we are committed to indexing them in leading databases and maintaining a robust archiving system for future reference.

Indexing of PaGe Journals

Our journals are indexed in recognized and reputable databases, ensuring that the research published reaches a global audience and is easily discoverable by researchers, clinicians, and scholars.

Key Indexing Databases Include:

EMBASE: The Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (APALM) is indexed in EMBASE, a highly respected biomedical database widely used by researchers and healthcare professionals.

Google Scholar: All PaGe journals are indexed in Google Scholar, enabling easy citation tracking and access to a wide academic audience.

We are continuously working to add our journals to other prestigious indexing platforms to enhance their reach and impact.

Long-Term Archiving and Access

To ensure the permanent preservation of our published research, PaGe subscribes to robust digital archiving solutions. This guarantees that all content remains accessible, even in the event of technical or infrastructural changes.

PKP PN (Public Knowledge Project Preservation Network): All PaGe journals are archived through the PKP Preservation Network, which ensures the long-term preservation of our digital content. PKP PN provides decentralized and secure archiving of journal content to ensure it remains accessible to researchers and readers globally for years to come.

Permanent Access to Journal Content

  • All articles published in PaGe journals are provided with a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), which guarantees that the research is easily findable and permanently linked to its online location.
  • Our open-access model ensures that all published content remains freely accessible to readers worldwide without any subscription barriers.

Commitment to Accessibility

PaGe is committed to ensuring the availability of its research publications in the long term. Our digital archiving strategy protects against content loss and ensures that all articles remain searchable and accessible indefinitely, providing valuable contributions to the academic and scientific community.