Unusual occurrence of Ewings sarcoma/PNET with pregnancy: 2 cases and literature review.


  • Kumarbhargav R Kaptan Toprani Advanced Lab system, Vadodara, Gujarat
  • Vasudha M Bhagat Additional professor in G.M.E.R.S. medical college, Valsad, Gujarat.
  • Reena B Dudhat Consultant Pathologist at Private hospital, Surat, Gujarat
  • Sonal L Italiya Consultant Pathologist at BAPS hospital, Surat, Gujarat
  • Miteshkumar B Shah Consultant Pathologist at Toprani Advanced Lab System, Vadodara, Gujarat


Ewing’s sarcoma, PNET, Pregnancy, Sarcoma,


The occurrence of cancer in a pregnant woman is a relatively low-probability event. The influence of pregnancy on the initiation, promotion and development of sarcomas is yet unclear. Epidemiological data suggest that the incidence of cancer during pregnancy is 0.07% to 0.1% of all malignant tumours. To our knowledge, only few cases of Ewing's sarcoma/PNET developing during pregnancy have been described.  The treatment approach is strongly influenced by the type and site of the primary tumour, its growth rate and associated symptoms, and by the need to treat the woman while minimizing foetal toxicity. Here we describe two cases of Ewing's sarcoma/PNET in a pregnant woman, in whom the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches were tailored in order to cure the patient and to avoid unnecessary toxicity to the foetus. One out of  two  patients  underwent abortion and other successfully delivered baby before receiving treatment for underlying  sarcoma.

Author Biographies

Kumarbhargav R Kaptan, Toprani Advanced Lab system, Vadodara, Gujarat

Consultant Pathologist at Toprani Advanced Lab System, Vadodara.

Vasudha M Bhagat, Additional professor in G.M.E.R.S. medical college, Valsad, Gujarat.

Additional professor

Reena B Dudhat, Consultant Pathologist at Private hospital, Surat, Gujarat

Consultant Pathologist

Sonal L Italiya, Consultant Pathologist at BAPS hospital, Surat, Gujarat

Consultant Pathologist

Miteshkumar B Shah, Consultant Pathologist at Toprani Advanced Lab System, Vadodara, Gujarat

Consultant Pathologist


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How to Cite

Kaptan KR, Bhagat VM, Dudhat RB, Italiya SL, Shah MB. Unusual occurrence of Ewings sarcoma/PNET with pregnancy: 2 cases and literature review. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2014 Sep. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 6];1(2):C5-C9. Available from: https://pacificejournals.com/journal/index.php/apalm/article/view/20



Case Report