Role of P53 Expression in Pterygium in Natives from Hilly Area


  • Kaushik Sanjay SGRRIM&HS Dehradun
  • Thakur Brijesh SGRRIM&HSDEHRADUN
  • Kishore Sanjeev AIIMS Rishikesh
  • Kala Pooja SGRRIM&HS Dehradun





BACKGROUND: Pterygium has been considered an ocular degenerative fibrovascular neoformation for long but abnormal p53 expression reinforces the theory that it is a proliferative condition like a tumor. The present study was aimed to describe the pattern of p53 immunoexpression in pterygium.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: We included 50 excised pterygium and 10 normal conjunctival control specimens, processed for histopathology and immunostaining for p53. Cut-off value of p53 expression was taken as 5% epithelial cell positivity.

RESULTS: We found higher incidence of pterygium in females and statistically significant positive p53 expression in 38 cases (76%) as compared to control group. No significant association between variations in clinical grade or histological features and abnormal p53 expression in cases and control groups was found.

CONCLUSION: p53 overexpression in pterygium suggests that pterygium is a proliferative tissue disorder.

Author Biographies

Kaushik Sanjay, SGRRIM&HS Dehradun





Kishore Sanjeev, AIIMS Rishikesh


Kala Pooja, SGRRIM&HS Dehradun



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How to Cite

Sanjay K, Brijesh T, Sanjeev K, Pooja K. Role of P53 Expression in Pterygium in Natives from Hilly Area. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];5(10):A818-822. Available from:



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