Case Report of An Unusual Mediastinal Mass - Thymolipoma


  • Sreeja Raju Department of Pathology, Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, Thrissur, Kerala
  • Divya S Department of Pathology, Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, Thrissur, Kerala
  • M C Savithri Department of Pathology, Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, Thrissur, Kerala
  • Ajaykumar KK Department Of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery, Amala Institute Of Medical Sciences, Thrissur, Kerala
  • Gayathri G Nair Department of Pathology, Amala Institute of Medical Sciences, Thrissur, Kerala



thymus, mediastinal mass, thymolipoma, thymectomy


Thymolipomas are rare, slow-growing, benign anterior mediastinal neoplasms which are very often detected incidentally. Here we present a case of a 47 year old female who presented with chest discomfort and radiology revealed an anterior mediastinal mass. Total thymectomy was done and histopathology showed features consistent with thymolipoma. Very few cases of thymolipomas have been reported in Indian and world literature.


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How to Cite

Raju S, S D, Savithri MC, KK A, Nair GG. Case Report of An Unusual Mediastinal Mass - Thymolipoma. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2020 Nov. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];7(11):C169-171. Available from:



Case Report