Epidermoid renal cyst: an unusual finding


  • Dharmendra Rameshbhai Rathod Dr. Bhatt Pathology Laboratory
  • Jayprakash Gunvantrai Bhatt Dr. Bhatt Pathology Laboratory
  • Riddhi Vivekbhai Khakkhar Dr. Bhatt Pathology Laboratory
  • Pratyush virjibhai parmar Dr. Bhatt Pathology Laboratory


Epidermoid Cyst, Renal cyst,


This report describes a case of epidermoid cyst affecting the left kidney of a 52-year-old female. The condition was accidentally discovered during the histopathology examination. Patient presented with complain of burning micturition, nausea, vomiting and fever for 15 days. Grossly, the kidney was distorted cyst like that was filled with a cheesy material. The histological picture of non-functioning kidney was apparent in the compressed renal parenchyma by the cyst that was identical to an epidermoid cyst. In conclusion, although rare, epidermoid cyst of the kidney could cause serious kidney damage leading to a non-functioning of kidney. Epidermoid cyst of the kidney could be multiple, producing a picture similar to hydronephrosis and broadening the differential diagnosis of multicystic disease of the kidney. Timely diagnosis is essential to prevent radical surgery.

Author Biography

Dharmendra Rameshbhai Rathod, Dr. Bhatt Pathology Laboratory

Pathologist, Department of pathology.


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How to Cite

Rathod DR, Bhatt JG, Khakkhar RV, parmar P virjibhai. Epidermoid renal cyst: an unusual finding. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2014 Jan. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];2(1):C13-C16. Available from: https://pacificejournals.com/journal/index.php/apalm/article/view/66



Case Report