Cholesterol granuloma of hydrocele sac mimicking testicular tumour


  • Nehal Ahmad Department of Pathology, Hamdard Institute of Medical Science and Research, New Delhi,110062
  • Sabina Khan Department of Pathology Hamdard Institute of Medical Siences & Research, Hamadard Nagar, New Delhi-110062
  • Mohd Jaseem Hasan Department of Pathology Hamdard Institute of Medical Siences & Research, Hamadard Nagar, New Delhi-110062
  • Sujata Jetley Department of Pathology Hamdard Institute of Medical Siences & Research, Hamadard Nagar, New Delhi-110062
  • Abhinav Jain Department of Radiodiagnosis Hamdard Institute of Medical Siences & Research, Hamadard Nagar, New Delhi-110062


Cholesterol granuloma, Tunica vaginalis, Hydrocele


Cholesterol  granuloma  is  a  rare  inflammatory  granulation  tissue  that  occurs  in  response  to  the  deposition  of  cholesterol  crystals. It  is  found  most  commonly  in  the  paranasal  sinuses  or  temporal  bones, but  there  are  also  rare  reports  of  their  occurrence  in  other  sites  also. Here  we  report  a  rare  case  of  cholesterol  granuloma  of  hydrocele  sac  in  a  59  year  old  man  who  presented  with  non  tender  right  scrotal  swelling.  Patient  was  operated  for vaginal  hydrocele  which  on  histopathological  examination  revealed  cholesterol  granuloma  which  is  very  rare  in  these  sites. It  can  be  very  difficult  to  preoperatively  distinguish  testicular  tumours  from  cholesterol  granulomas  of  the  testis  or  epididymis. Therefore,  cholesterol  granuloma  should  be  kept  in  mind  in  patients  with  large  and  non-tender  scrotal  masses.


DOI: 10.21276/APALM.1088

Author Biographies

Sabina Khan, Department of Pathology Hamdard Institute of Medical Siences & Research, Hamadard Nagar, New Delhi-110062

Department - Pathology, Associate Professor

Mohd Jaseem Hasan, Department of Pathology Hamdard Institute of Medical Siences & Research, Hamadard Nagar, New Delhi-110062

Associate Professor Department of Pathology

Sujata Jetley, Department of Pathology Hamdard Institute of Medical Siences & Research, Hamadard Nagar, New Delhi-110062

Professor Department of Pathology


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How to Cite

Ahmad N, Khan S, Hasan MJ, Jetley S, Jain A. Cholesterol granuloma of hydrocele sac mimicking testicular tumour. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2017 Mar. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];4(2):C47-49. Available from:



Case Report