Estimation and correlation of different hemoglobin levels in HbE hemoglobinopathies in Indian population using capillary electrophoresis method.


  • Abhijit Kalita Pathcare Llabs Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad.
  • Avinanda Mahanta Department of Biochemistry Guwahati Medical College Hospital Guwahati


Capillary electrophoresis, Hemoglobin E (HbE) heterozygote, Hemoglobin E (HbE) homozygote, Compound heterozygote of HbE with Thalassemia.


Background:  Capillary  electrophoresis  (CE)  estimates  Hemoglobin E  (HbE)  in  HbE  hemoglobinopathies,  which  was  previously  not  possible  with  other  method  due  to  combined  elution   of  HbA2  with  HbE .  Associated  hemoglobin  abnormalities  can  be  estimated  with  separation  of  HbA2  from  HbE. 

Methods:  The  study  is  retrospective  using  CE  to  detect  abnormal   HbE  and differentiate  the  HbE  syndromes.  Student  t-test  was  used  for  statistical  analysis. 

Result:  119  cases  of  HbE  syndromes were  identified  and  divided  into  HbE heterozygotes  (71),   HbE  heterozygotes  with  borderline  HbA2  (15),  compound heterozygotes  of  HbE  with  Thalassemia  (13  HbE  with  β-Thalassemia  /  8  HbE with α-Thalassemia),  compound  heterozygotes  of  HbE  with  HbS  (HbSE)  (2)  and  HbE homozygotes  (10).   Mean  HbA2   shows  increasing  pattern  with  increasing  severity  of  HbE  syndrome.  However,  compound  heterozygote  of  HbE  and  β-Thalassemia  (HbE-β-Thal)  shows  maximum  mean  level  of  HbA2  (5.46%).  HbA2  of  HbE  heterozygote  and HbE  heterozygote  with  borderline  HbA2  was  not  found  to  be  significantly  different, statistically.  Fetal  haemoglobin  (HbF)  of  HbE  homozygotes  is  found  significantly higher  than  that  of  HbE  heterozygotes,  but  significantly  lower  than  that  of  HbE-Thalassemia.  The  HbE  values  of  HbE  with  α-Thalassemia  (HbE-α-Thal)  and  HbE-β-Thal  were  found  to  be  below  -3SD  value  (14.77%)  and  beyond  +3SD  value  (37.77%) of  mean  of  HbE  of  HbE  heterozygote  (26.27%),  respectively.

Conclusion:  The  study  identifies  range  of  different  hemoglobin  levels  in  HbE syndromes,  with  special  reference  to  HbA2.  Concurrent  iron  deficiency  anaemia  also needs  to  be  kept  in  mind  in  dealing  with  a  population  where  iron  deficiency  is  very common.


DOI: 10.21276/APALM.1228

Author Biographies

Abhijit Kalita, Pathcare Llabs Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad.


Avinanda Mahanta, Department of Biochemistry Guwahati Medical College Hospital Guwahati

Post graduate trainee,

Department of Pathology


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How to Cite

Kalita A, Mahanta A. Estimation and correlation of different hemoglobin levels in HbE hemoglobinopathies in Indian population using capillary electrophoresis method. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2017 Aug. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];4(4):A419-422. Available from:



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