Soft Tissue Chondromas: A case series of 6 cases with review


  • Ankit kaushik VMMC and Safdarjung Hospital, GGSIPU
  • Amita Malik
  • . Rajni
  • Sumit Batra
  • V K Sharma
  • Geetika Khanna


Soft tissue chondroma is extraskeletal benign cartilagenous soft tissue tumor rare to their skeletal counterpart enchondromas. They manifest characteristic radiological and histological features with consistent cytological features. Although several histologic studies of soft tissue chondromas have been published, correlative studies of cytologic, radiologic and corresponding histologic features are limited. To better define the triad of cytological, radiological and histological features of various Soft tissue chondroma, we reviewed the radiological and corresponding cytohistologic material of six tumors. The radiological finding consists of a well defined soft tissue mass, partly calcified not attached to underlying bone. Classical cytological patterns were found to be small clusters of benign appearing chondrocytes along with chondromyxoid fragment, with a impression of soft tissue chondroma. Post operatively all six cases show characteristic histologic features consisting of adult type hyaline cartilage with mild atypia in chondocytes in one and inflammation in other tumor. The cyto-histologic features along with radiologic feature constitute definitive triad in diagnosing soft tissue chondromas.


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How to Cite

kaushik A, Malik A, Rajni ., Batra S, Sharma VK, Khanna G. Soft Tissue Chondromas: A case series of 6 cases with review. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2015 Jul. 12 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];2(3):C204-207. Available from:



Case Report