Morphometric changes in jejunal mucosa in HIV positive patients presenting with enteropathy: An Indian study


  • Dibyajyoti Boruah Department of Pathology, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune-411040
  • Jasvinder K Bhatia Department of Pathology, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune-411040
  • Kiran Deep Kamal Department of Internal Medicine, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune-411040, Maharashtra, INDIA
  • Ajay Malik Department of Pathology, Army College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, INDIA


HIV, enteropathy, villous morphometry, crypt depth, CD4 counts


Background: Villous length, villous area, villous separation, villous tortuosity and crypt depth were evaluatedin thejejunal mucosaof HIV positive cases with chronic diarrhea and correlated with controls and CD4 counts.

Methods: Endoscopicbiopsiesof jejunal mucosafrom30 confirmed HIV positive cases with enteropathyand 21 HIV negative controls were used.Villous parameters were assessed by computerized digital image morphometry on hematoxylin-eosin-stained histological sections.

Results: There were no significant differences in the mean villous length (p=0.9858, case: 269µm, control:270µm) and villous area (p=0.0610, cases:30905µm2, controls:25864µm2) between cases and controls. The mean villous separation (cases:188µm, controls:139µm) and crypt depth (cases:237µm, control:193µm) were significantly larger andmean villous tortuosity was significantly lower (cases:3.04, controls:3.92) in cases.In HIV cases, CD4 counts showed negative correlation with crypt depth (r=-0.524), villous area (r=-0.228), villous separation (r=-0.276) and positive correlation with villous tortuosity (r=0.297) in contrast to villous length (r=-0.012).

Conclusion: Villous tortuosity was significantly reduced in the HIV cases; unlike villous length and villous area. Due to larger villous separation in HIV cases, villous surface area is likely to be lowered and hampered nutrient absorption. Crypt depth increased significantly in HIV positive cases and exhibited the best correlation with CD4 counts.


DOI: 10.21276/APALM.1302

Author Biographies

Dibyajyoti Boruah, Department of Pathology, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune-411040


Jasvinder K Bhatia, Department of Pathology, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune-411040


Ajay Malik, Department of Pathology, Army College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, INDIA



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How to Cite

Boruah D, Bhatia JK, Kamal KD, Malik A. Morphometric changes in jejunal mucosa in HIV positive patients presenting with enteropathy: An Indian study. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2017 Aug. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];4(4):A379-387. Available from:



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