Cytological Evaluation of Two Methods of Effusion Cell Block Preparations


  • Deepa Siddappa Masur S.Nijalingappa . medical college. bagalkot
  • Shilpa Somashekhar Biradar


Serous effusions, Conventional smear, Cellblock, Plasma thrombin method, formalin cell block


Background:  Cell Block (CB)  procedures  have  now  become  an  established  part  of cytological  diagnostics  because  of  its  pivotal  role  in  diagnosis  and  ancillary  studies. Hence  the  present  study  was  undertaken  to  emphasize  the  role  of  CB  technique  over Conventional Smear (CS)  in  serous  effusions  and  to  compare  the  Plasma-Thrombin (PT) block  to  Formalin  Method  block (FM)  in  assessment  of  morphological  preservation  and  cellularity.

Aim:  To  obtain  simple , cost  effective  and  ideal  CB  preparation  where  in  maximal number  of  cells  are  displayed  within  a  small  area

Methods:  The sample  was  divided  into  three  Parts(A,B,C). After centrifugation  of  all three  parts  of  sample  at  3000rpm  for  15min – Part A  sediment  was  used  to  prepare two  CS  for  Papanicolaou (PAP)  and  May Grunwald Giemsa(MGG)  stains.  Part B sediment  was  subjected  for 1hr  and  24hr  fixation  in  1:1 solution of  5ml  ethylalcohol and  10%  formalin. To  the  Part C  sediment  2drops  of  finger  prick  plain  blood  was added,  mixed  well  and   allowed  to  clot. The  sediment  of  Part B  and  the  clot  of  Part C were  then  processed  for  paraffin  embedding.

Result: 110  fresh  effusion  samples  were  evaluated  for  cellularity retention  of architectural  patterns  and  volume  of  background.  FM  block’s  were  inconclusive  in  12 cases  due  to  low  cellularity. PT  block’s  were  all  evaluable  with  best  preservation  of architecture  and  pale  background.

Conclusion: The CB  technique  revealed  better  architectural  patterns  and  increased  the sensitivity of  cytodiagnosis. PT block’s  had  sufficient  to  abundant  cellularity  with evenly distributed  cells  in  small  area.  PT preparation   is  simple  and  cost  effective. 


DOI: 10.21276/APALM.1432

Author Biography

Deepa Siddappa Masur, S.Nijalingappa . medical college. bagalkot

department of pathology, assistant professor


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How to Cite

Masur DS, Biradar SS. Cytological Evaluation of Two Methods of Effusion Cell Block Preparations. Ann of Pathol and Lab Med [Internet]. 2017 Aug. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 19];4(4):A403-409. Available from:



Original Article