• Neeraj Dhameja
  • Hema Goyal JR-3, Department of Pathology, Institute of medical sciences, Banaras Hindu university, Varanasi
  • Priyanka Aswal
  • U S Dwivedi
Keywords: Renal cell carcinoma, clear cell carcinoma, papillary, translocation associated RCC


Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is a malignant neoplasm of renal tubular origin of adult age group which presents as a mass in a kidney with abdominal pain and hematuria. There are various subtypes of RCC, each having distinct morphological features, prognosis and response to targeted therapy. Development of two RCC of different subtypes in the same kidney is rare because each RCC arises from a particular genetic abnormality. here we discuss two different RCC subtypes in a healthy kidney , one showing features of Papillary RCC and other showing mixed features with papillae formation and clear cells.  


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Case Report