Histomorphological Study of Gestational Trophoblastic Lesions in a Tertiary Medical Centre: A Prospective Study

  • Nidhi Rajendra Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital
  • Fouzia Kauser
  • Prashanth Madapura V
  • Doddikoppad. M M
Keywords: Gestational trophoblastic diseases, Complete mole, Partial mole, Invasive mole.


Background: Gestational trophoblastic diseases(GTDs)  consists of pregnancy related disorders ranging from benign Hydatidiform mole, Invasive mole  to neoplastic conditions including Choriocarcinoma, Placental site trophoblastic tumor and Epitheloid trophoblastic tumor with varying potential for local invasion and metastasis. GTDs mimic growth pattern encountered in early normal placental development, nonmolar  abortions and variety of nontrophoblastic lesions. Therefore an appreciation of different types of GTDs with its histomorphological manifestations  are important for the confirmation of diagnosis. Thus the study was undertaken. Materials & methods: The material for the study comprised of products of conception specimens received in the Department of Pathology, J.J.M. Medical college, Davangere, India during the period of 2 years. Detailed gross examination was done before fixation and subsequent microscopic analysis was done. Results: 65 cases of GTDs were diagnosed in 495 cases of products of conception. 37 cases of complete mole, 27 cases of partial mole and  one case of Invasive mole were diagnosed. Diffuse hydropic swelling of the villi, round smooth villous outline, circumferential trophoblastic proliferation and focal hydropic swelling of the villi, irregular scalloping outline of the enlarged villi, focal trophoblastic cell proliferation were characteristic features of complete & partial mole respectively. Histomorphological  features were analysed in all the cases and compared with studies done by others. Conclusion: The classification and histomorphological analysis of GTDs are important elements for better understanding of the disease. Studies are needed to look for ancillary markers in distinguishing different types of GTDs and for predicting the prognosis. DOI: 10.21276/APALM.1193

Author Biography

Nidhi Rajendra, Dr. BR Ambedkar Medical College and Hospital
Pathology and Laboratory Diagnostics


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